Is “Happy Teen” an Oxymoron?

Ask a teen what they would change; many would likely say, Their parents! Adolescence can be a difficult and trying time for both a teen and their parents. Teens find themselves under pressure to fit in, achieve academic and sporting success and make the right career and personal choices.

Ask a parent what they would like most for their teen, Happiness. Parents naturally want to give, but their teens just do not know how to ask for and accept their advice, support, care and wisdom. Your teen may be more willing to talk to an objective and supportive resource outside of the family unit.

To be happy a teen needs to take charge of their life, grow their confidence, improve their lifestyle and follow their dreams. Most of them are too scared or too confused to take charge to make a change and many don’t realise that they have this option available to them.

Teen coaching can help a teen to:

Know themselves better
Improve self-esteem
Increase confidence
Identify priorities
Identify strengths
Establish self-awareness
Expand social skills
Improve relationships
Manage emotional challenges
Set relevant and achievable goals
Make plans to achieve those goals
Be accountable to themselves

Teen coaching is not for every teen. It’s only for teens who want to be coached and is suitable for teens that want to achieve something and are able to be future-focused. If your teen is not ready for teen coaching, trust the coach to let you know this and refer you and your teen to other services that may suit their needs better.

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