Managing Defeat

We’re conditioned to plan for and celebrate success.  Nobody teaches us how to manage defeat and disappointment effectively.  Failure happens.  Things don’t always turn out as we had hoped or planned.  This can leave us feeling worthless and empty.

So let’s start by keeping things in perspective.

  • What is good about the situation or circumstances right now?
  • How can it be improved?
  • What does it require in order to change?
  • What is the single biggest thing causing a block?
  • What are the risks in dwelling on the negative?
  • How can you move passed this?

It sounds rough and those experiencing a tough time won’t like it.  It is up to you to dig deep, as deep as you must, in order to pull through.

  • Call on the support and guidance of professionals to help you through it.
  • Allow the fog to clear.
  • Most importantly practice self-care.
  • Pay attention to the words you use.  As they pass your lips you give them power.
  • Watch your thoughts.
  • Withdraw from others if you need to.
  • Do whatever you need to feel safe.

Lastly, remember the only way out is through.  This will pass, guaranteed, because no condition is permanent.

Comments (1)

  1. Claire Davidson


    Fantastic, true and authentic words. Applicable in all areas of life. I love the idea of applying gratitude first and foremost when feeling defeated. Hear article, thank you!

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