I have written about un-becoming previously. There comes a time when we need to let go to let come. Let go of all our preconceived ideas of how things should be for the simple reason that they aren’t that way. What we wanted five years ago changes. If I look back five years, is my life as I imagined? No, quite different in fact. Would I change anything? No. Would I have done some things differently? Absolutely.
I had to let go of my old life. I had the courage to discern the detractors from the attractors. And be bold enough to cross the river letting go of the shore that had become so familiar to me yet had begun to make me feel incredibly uncomfortable so much so that I would experience physiological reactions to scenarios that my body no longer wanted for itself. My old life made me ill. My new life makes me happier and healthier.
I recall writing lists and journaling each time I faced a transition in my life; a new job, a relationship status and change of direction. Journaling is a pratice that I often recommend to my clients. Since once you have let those words out from possibly the deepest parts of your being there is no way of taking them back. As much as you might like to swallow them up you can’t. These words are given more power once you have spoken them to someone you trust.
Through a stream of consciousness, a term used by Julia Cameron in her book the Artist’s Way we uncover our deepest desires and biggest passions. If you think writing is not your thing then engage with a coach who can offer your fresh perspectives and support you through times of change enabling you to gain clarity and build the muscle to move forward more confidently.