Burnout is No Joke

Burnout very often prompts people to re-asses their lives, make positive changes and even change direction.  It did for me.

My burnout is not a topic I often speak about and I hold the awareness that I get triggered when I see it in one of my clients; either a survivor of burnout or on the cusp of burnout.  The latter a more dangerous place to be as it can take months, even years to recover.

Burnout is not a sign of failure, it does however require that you recommit to your health and well-being.  If you feel you are on the cusp of burnout here are 6 things worth keeping in mind:*

1. Recognise that you have an energy imbalance: too much is going out, and not enough is coming in.

2. Sleep, rest and disconnect.

3. Differentiate what you must get done from what you want to get done.

4. Work smarter, not harder or longer.

5. Find a new “why.”

6. Remember that you’re tired, not defeated.

*source: Forbes, 2018

Comments (8)

  1. shirley


    Teachers experience burnout quite often. Toward the end of the school year, we are barely hanging on…even worse than the students! After 6 weeks off, I go back to work in a little over two weeks….I’m refreshed and ready!

  2. Reply

    Thank you for sharing this! Sometimes I just need to step back and really look at my situation and make some changes!

  3. Reply

    Burn out can be so debilitating.. and the most frustrating thing is that it is so avoidable! So important to take care of yourself and practice self-care to prevent such hardship on your emotions.

  4. Pingback: Letting Go to Let Come - Claire Buchanan

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