One of my favourite quotes by one of my favourite writers, Paulo Coelho:
“Maybe the journey isn’t so much about becoming anything. Maybe it’s about un-becoming everything that isn’t really you, so you can be who you were meant to be in the first place.”
Un-becoming is an unraveling, a breaking down, untangling, undoing and unearthing. It’s about un-becoming everything that we thought we should be. This can be a painful process, it can also be incredibly rewarding.
Unlearning patterns and behaviour is hard. The difficult part is know how to identify those patterns. Together with a coach you can build an awareness of your patterns. Your coach will observe and reflect back to you in order to bring them into your awareness. An important question to ask once you know your patterns, “How is it serving me? If it isn’t, it’s time for a change.
I invite you to be open to un-becoming as you make your way through lifes’ many transitions.