
Accountability means different things to different people and one may find different degrees of accountability based on the circumstances and  / or the individuals involved.  However you choose to classify it and its varying degrees accountability is to take responsibility.  Responsibility for your thoughts, words and actions.

These days we are prone to shrugging off accountability and invariably it’s to our own detriment.  How would life be different if we were all just to own up to things, the good, the bad and the in-between?  Would systems not operate better?  Would we not all be living more authentically?  We are all guilty of passing the proverbial buck.  If we could collectively stop doing this things would change.  If nothing else, our outlook would change.

Case in point, the water crisis facing the Western Cape.  Right now it’s irrelevant that government didn’t put plans in place years ago to prevent the situation and it is futile to say “We don’t have a water problem, we have a water management problem.”  Yes, that is a fact, but let’s all take responsibility for our water usage.  Accountability begins and ends with you!


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